Petasites japonicus giganteus' Japanese Butterbur is an unusual, variegated selection from Japan that produces huge and dramatic ( apparently up to1.2 metres wide - with us they're usually around 60cms across - spectacular enough)
, rounded leaves that are variegated in shades of cream, white and pale yellow, and unusual, fragrant, greenish-white flowers that appear on naked stems in late winter to early spring. Suitable for bog gardens, tropical plantings and around the edges of ponds (it will be able to withstand being planted in shallow water). A great plant for wildlife. Forms large colonies once established but can be controlled if desired by pulling out the rhizomes that run just under the soil surface. Height 1.5 metres. Needs lots of space in moist soil in sun to part shade. It will keep its variegation better if grown in a more sunny site.Grow in deep humus-rich, fertile soil that is moist but not stagnant, in partial or full shade. Its invasiveness can be controlled if grown in a pot or bucket sunk in the ground - you can use a pot with no drainage hole as it is happy in water ;this mini pond way of growing might also provide a moat to keep off slugs to which it is caviar.
Remove any old foliage before the onset of new growth in late winter.
Foliage: Deciduous
Height: 1-1.5 metres in 2-5 yearsSpread: 4-8 metres
Please read our notes before placing the order:
1. The pictures in this listing are examples of the available plant at maturity and do not indicate anything in regard to size of plant at the point of sale. You will receive an organically produced young plant grown in a 9cm pot for planting immediately or to grow on (pot removed, when possible, to reduce plastic waste)
2. Seasonal difference in plants: Please be aware if you are new to gardening, that the plants we supply are mostly herbaceous perennials and many go dormant in winter. You may receive what looks like an empty pot or piece of root. This will produce new growth in spring.
3. The date the Royal mail label is bought (tracking number added as sent against your orders) is the date your order is lined up for picking. It is likely to be put into the post a couple of days later.
Thank you.
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SKU: BP202400702
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